Centre director :

Research programs
- Agroecology/functional biodiversity
- Soil microbial ecology
- Greenhouse production systems

- Technical support
- Training

38 staff members, including 12 engineers and 11 technicians (including temporary staff)

Equipment and facilities
6 ha market gardening farm:
- 4,600 m² of experimental greenhouse compartments
- 2,000 m² of plastic multi-span greenhouses
- 2,000 m² of polytunnels
- open-field experimental plots
- 1 microbiology laboratory equipped with 4 growth chambers

Research Units
- Sustainability & Performance of Protected Crops
- Sustainability of Vegetable Production Systems & Biology
- Experimental farm
- Management

Contact details
Centre CTIFL de Carquefou
ZI Belle Étoile - Antarès
35 allée des Sapins
44 483 Carquefou
Tél. +33 (0)2 40 50 81 65
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