Results of projects carried out by the CTIFL and its teams

EU-China joint action to increase development and ADOPTion of IPM tools - ADOPT-IPM

Project dates
From: January 2022
To: December 2026
Internal project holder

Project description

Despite European and national incentives, the adoption of alternative protection methods to phytosanitary products by farmers is slowed down by numerous obstacles. Among these obstacles, we find (i) the lack of optimization of biocontrol solutions, (ii) the lack of integration of these solutions within protection strategies, and (iii) the absence of an effective solution for certain key pests. The adoption of these methods is also slowed by the lack of demonstration and transfer to end users (advisors, producers). In order to promote a global transition towards sustainable agricultural systems, the ADOPT-IPM project aims to develop, optimize and implement integrated biological protection (IBP) tools and strategies against pests and ultimately aims to intends to reduce farmers' dependence on synthetic plant protection products.


The ADOPT-IPM project aims to optimize current IPM tools and develop new ones, and to promote their rapid adoption by end users through the design of an overall optimized protection strategy (cost-benefit, environmental impact, sustainability). The project focuses on key crops that rely heavily on chemical pesticides: tomatoes, leafy vegetables, corn and wheat, and for which the exchange of knowledge, practices and technologies will be most beneficial to countries. The main objectives of ADOPT-IPM are:


- Objective No. 1: Optimize IPM tools and practices against major agricultural pests/diseases and weeds;

- Objective No. 2: Develop new biocontrol tools against pests;

- Objective No. 3: Evaluate the biocontrol tools optimized or developed within the framework of ADOPT-IPM, and create global optimized integrated biological protection strategies, enabling the effective use of these tools;

- Objective No. 4: Evaluate and demonstrate, through field tests, in semi-commercial and commercial conditions, the solutions developed in the project;

- Objective No. 5: Disseminate knowledge to key stakeholders, and support SMEs present in the project in the operation and approval process of the developed biocontrol tools.


Find out more about the developments in this project presented during the trials visit to the field and soil-less vegetable (CTIFL Balandran, 22/06/2023) : /atelier-5-poster-accompagner-lutilisation-des-mediateurs-chimiques-par-le-developpement-destrategies-de-biocontrole-push-pull-contre-le-thrips-en-cultures-sous-serre-healthi-2


Project Coordinator : INRA

Other parteners :

  • Agrobio (Spain),
  • Agrinewtech (Italie),
  • ACTA (France),
  • BINAB (Sweden),
  • Carrefour China (China),
  • Carrefour France (France),
  • Somoco (Spain),
  • AGROINOVA (Italy),
  • IPCAAS (China),
  • Gent University (Belgium),
  • Imperial (UK),
  • IRTA (Spain),
  • NOAH (China),
  • OXITEC (UK),
  • UdL (Spain),
  • Venice University (Italy),
  • Zhejiang University (China)