Peach leaf curl and variety susceptibility to the peach leaf curl, report of a 10 year evaluation Subscribers

Peach and nectarine

Peach leaf curl and variety susceptibility to the peach leaf curl, report of a 10 year evaluation
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The programme set up for assessing the susceptibility of peach and nectarine varieties to leaf curl has proved to be effective. It has been used to evaluate over 70 varieties, both reference and recent ones, and identified several varieties with low to very low susceptibility to this disease.

Published 01/05/2024

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

A social and regulatory context that is changing

For several decades now, in response to society's high expectations in terms of respect for the environment, European and French national policy have been considerably strengthened to steer agriculture towards more environmentally friendly production methods. This was reflected in the "Grenelle de l'environnement" in 2007, which led to a number of objectives for agriculture: increasing the organic farming area in France, halving the use of synthetic plant protection products within 10 years (creation of the EcoPhyto 2018 plan) and certifying farms to the High Environmental Value (HEV) standard.

This requirement is also reflected in the regulatory framework, with European and French bans on active substances that are hazardous to humans and/or the environment, and stricter requirements for marketing authorisations (MA) for plant protection products (products that are carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic (CMR) and toxic to the environment) (Figures 1 and 2).

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