GreenGO PEREN project, improving the environmental performance of apples Subscribers

Results of the life cycle analysis

GreenGO PEREN project, improving the environmental performance of apples
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Apples are the most widely consumed fruit by the French and are also the top fruit produced in France. The GreenGO PEREN project uses the multi-criteria method of life cycle assessment to identify solutions for improving the environmental footprint of apples, from production to marketing, as well as during the processing of apples into compote.

Published 01/07/2024

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

The environmental impact of the orchard and levers that can be implemented

Orchards, varieties and data collection

Ten orchards and four apple varieties were selected for this study. The orchards were all managed using integrated fruit production (IFP) and the four apple varieties were grown on large areas. They are: Gala for early picking, Golden Delicious for mid-season picking, Pink Lady® for late picking and Juliet® for organic farming.

In interviews with growers and crop managers, the technical production systems were described, which provided the input data for the impact calculations: orchard density, types and quantities of fertiliser, plant protection products and quantities applied, orchard equipment such as hail protection nets, energy and water consumption, number of tractor-passes for orchard maintenance (soil preparation, harvesting, trellising, etc.).

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